Chris Brown, Corteva Agriscience Customer Technology Specialist, said ‘Success Neo is the standard insecticide option for western flower thrip control across a wide range of horticulture crops and now bulb vegetable growers have Success Neo available to them to control both western flower thrips and onion thrips’.
The trial data is compelling. Success Neo provides excellent control of both nymph and adult onion thrips when used according to the label.
Vigilant monitoring and early control before thrip numbers build is the key to thrip management. Preventing physical damage and viral infection early will help maximise yield. Control of thrips is best achieved by applying three back-to-back applications of Success Neo at 7-day intervals. This label claim also complies with the required insecticide resistance management strategy. Thorough coverage is essential to control thrips. The addition of a wetting agent will also improve control.
Success Neo is compatible with most commonly used fungicides so can be applied in one pass in most cases. Bulb vegetable growers also have flexibility with the short 3-day harvest withholding period.
With older chemistry either no longer available or ineffective at controlling thrips, it is important that bulb vegetable growers have new insecticides to use against these damaging pests. Success Neo provides a strong option but must be used in rotation with alternative mode-of-action insecticides to remain effective for as long as possible.
In summary said Chris, Success Neo provides onion growers with a powerful new control option for thrips with a new mode of action that will kill thrips that are resistant to other chemistries. While highly efficacious on thrips it is soft on operators and other pests making it an ideal option for use in an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program.