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We are committed to the cotton market by developing new products to fight the most challenging weeds and pests

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Cotton - Transform WG

Transform WG

Transform WG insecticide is perfect for use in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs. Transform does not flare silverleaf whiteflies or mites and its softness to beneficials (predators and parasitoids) makes it a great option for use early in the season and in systems which rely on beneficial insects to help control pests.

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Silverleaf whitefly - Applaud


Applaud insecticide provides effective control on hard-to-kill sucking pests while having no effect on most beneficial insects. Applaud is registered for the control of cotton mealybug and silverleaf whitefly in cotton.

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Cotton Integrated Solutions

Cotton Integrated Solutions

Learn more about our IPM compatible, sustainable products for the Australian cotton industry.

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Transform WG Cotton Tech note

Transform WG - Cotton Tech note

Transform WG with Isoclast active is a systemic insecticide with a novel mode of action for controlling sap-feeding insects. Transform WG controls aphids, solenopsis mealy bug, rutherglen bug, mirids and white flies in cotton. 

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Utrisha N

Introducing a revolution in plant health

A step change is coming for plant health, sustainability, and yield, with Corteva Agriscience introducing its new range of biologicals to market in Australia, beginning with a product which allows plants to access nitrogen out of thin air.

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