Verpixo® Adavelt® active is a naturally inspired fungicide for the effective control of damaging ascomycete diseases such as botrytis, powdery mildew, sclerotinia, alternaria, septoria and many others.
Verpixo Adavelt active is registered in curcurbits, fruiting vegetables, leafy vegetables and strawberries.
Belonging to FRAC Group 21, it has no known cross resistance to other fungicide groups making it ideally suited for inclusion in resistance management programs. It can be used across a wide range of crops at multiple growth stages allowing farmers to achieve improved efficiency.
It is a flexible product that gives growers more time to manage their disease control programs throughout the growing season providing outstanding control of multiple diseases to protect both yield and quality where other disease control products are losing effectiveness.
The latest information on Australian maximum residue limits (MRLs) and statistics on export markets for Verpixo Adavelt active fungicide in Grapes.
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