Fontelis provides residual protection for up to 10 days against a range of important diseases in different fruit, nut and vegetable crops.
Flower blight, dry flower or raceme blight - symptoms and management.
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Join GrowPlusWe are committed to developing IPM compatible, sustainable products for the Australian almond industry.
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Fruit, Pome (Rosaceae)
Fruit, Stone (Prunus spp.)
Hazelnut (Corylus spp.)
Macadamia Nut (Macadamia spp.)
Nut, Tree Nut, Various
Vegetables, Brassica Cole (All) (Brassica spp.)
Vegetables, Cucurbit (Cucurbitaceae)
Vegetables, Fruiting
Vegetables, Leafy
Vegetables, Leafy, Brassica
Vegetables, Root and Tuber