6 Products Found
Qalcova® active
Grain Protector
Conserve Plus is a novel formulation, combining Qalcova® active (Spinosad) and S-methoprene at 100 gm ai per L. Conserve Plus will be able to be used on all cereal grains, including malt barley.
Grain Protector
Rizacon S IGR is registered for the control of insect pests on stored grain.
Salibro is a nematicide with a novel mode of action for the control of root knot nematode. It is registered for use in all root and tuber, fruiting vegetable and cucurbit crops grown in open field and covered crop situations. Salibro offers growers an IPM soil health focussed nematode management solution.
Spraying Oil
Uptake spraying oil has stood the test of time and for over 20 years has been used to improve the spreading, wetting and retention of crop protection products on plant surfaces.
Vydate® L insecticide/nematicide controls a broad-spectrum of Root knot nematodes in Bananas, Tomatoes and Capsicums, and Weevil borer in Banana plants.
Nitrogen Stabiliser
eNtrench nitrogen stabiliser keeps more nitrogen in the soil unleashing the potential of your crop during key growth stages.