eNtrench® NXTGEN nitrogen stabiliser, powered by Optinyte® Technology is a nitrification inhibitor for use with nitrogen based fertilisers. Nitrification inhibitors reduce the bacterial conversion of ammonium nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen.
eNtrench is a nitrification inhibitor for use with nitrogen based fertilisers. Nitrification inhibitors reduce the bacterial conversion of ammonium nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen.
10 L
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Maximise your nitrogen investment
eNtrench NXTGEN slows down the Nitrosomonas bacteria that convert ammonium to nitrate, keeping nitrogen in the ammonium form longer.
eNtrench NXTGEN is best used in seasons where average to above average rain is likely, soils that readily lose applied N and where soils have low N to start the season.
eNtrench NXTGEN Optinyte technology nitrogen stabiliser uses a unique micro-encapsulation technology to create a water based, non-corrosive formulation with surface stability.
This bucket test was developed to determine the potential need for a dying agent. It eliminates the need for the testing to be done in full blend mixtures. This practice simulates the application of eNtrench NXTGEN Optinyte technology Nitrogen Stabiliser to fertiliser, just as it occurs in a blender.
During 2015 a trial was conducted in South Australia's mid-north to determine the effectiveness of eNtrench NXTGEN at increasing biomass in oaten hay crops.
eNtrench can be used in many different scenarios where nitrogen loss can occur. Including but not limited to the below crops.
Summer and winter cereals
eNtrench NXTGEN nitrogen stabliser, powered by Optinyte technology, protects urea, UAN and liquid manure by keeping nitrogen in the soil during key growth stages.
By protecting nitrogen in the root zone, eNtrench NXTGEN maximises yield potential and ROI for farmers. With more than 1,000 field trials and university research, the Optinyte technology in eNtrench NXTGEN has been proven to provide unrivaled protection from nitrogen loss, yield benefits and positive environmental impacts.