Powdery mildew control paramount in pipfruit orchard
The ability to control Powdery mildew in the pipfruit orchard of Murray Shearer, in the Hawkes Bay region of New Zealand has been enhanced in recent years as more products come onto the market.
Mr Shearer said there are more tools in the toolbox and that has helped to prevent a disease which can cause major issues in the orchard.
“One of the issues we have is that the newer varieties are more prone to Powdery mildew,” he said. “The variety Envy makes up about 80 per cent of our orchard and is quite susceptible.”
“At one stage, Powdery mildew was a big problem but now we do have a lot of products to choose from. One of the products is Talendo® which has proved to be very good. We’ve been using it for six years and it’s a key part of the program.”
Talendo®, from Corteva, works on three important stages of the disease life cycle by making exposed spores unviable, inhibiting spore germination and preventing Powdery mildew from reproducing, for a cleaner orchard into the future.