Compatibility Table


The ability to tank mix Utrisha N with other products to allow one pass over crops is a valuable time and cost saving advantage.

Corteva has undertaken studies to determine the biological compatibility of partner products with Utrisha N. Products may be physically or biologically compatible.

Detailed testing was conducted to determine whether commonly available products would significantly reduce the Utrisha N CFU’s (Colony forming units) present at various durations after initial mixing. This helped to determine Utrisha N viability over time; where tank mix application is delayed due to rain, wind or other issues.

Tank mix combinations were tested at the equivalent of 100L/ha total spray volume.

The order of addition of multiple products is the order they appear in the table, with Utrisha N always the last product added.  For example Paradigm 25 g/ha + MCPA LVE 440 mL/ha + Uptake Spray Oil 0.5% were mixed in this order and then Utrisha N added last.  It is strongly recommended that this mixing order is followed.

Further testing will be conducted to determine whether lower rates or different partner products have biological compatibility with Utrisha N and this website will be updated as new information becomes available.

All compatibility information has been generated by the MALDIID laboratory and specifically relates to Methylobacterium symbioticum SB23, which is only available in Utrisha N.  Data generated for this strain of Methylobacterium cannot be relied on to be accurate for other strains.


Compatibility Table


The ability to tank mix Utrisha N with other products to allow one pass over crops is a valuable time and cost saving advantage.

Corteva has undertaken studies to determine the biological compatibility of partner products with Utrisha N. Products may be physically or biologically compatible.

Detailed testing was conducted to determine whether commonly available products would significantly reduce the Utrisha N CFU’s (Colony forming units) present at various durations after initial mixing. This helped to determine Utrisha N viability over time; where tank mix application is delayed due to rain, wind or other issues.

Tank mix combinations were tested at the equivalent of 100L/ha total spray volume.

The order of addition of multiple products is the order they appear in the table, with Utrisha N always the last product added.  For example Paradigm 25 g/ha + MCPA LVE 440 mL/ha + Uptake Spray Oil 0.5% were mixed in this order and then Utrisha N added last.  It is strongly recommended that this mixing order is followed.

Further testing will be conducted to determine whether lower rates or different partner products have biological compatibility with Utrisha N and this website will be updated as new information becomes available.

All compatibility information has been generated by the MALDIID laboratory and specifically relates to Methylobacterium symbioticum SB23, which is only available in Utrisha N.  Data generated for this strain of Methylobacterium cannot be relied on to be accurate for other strains.


Best viewed on a mobile phone in landscape.

Yes = Compatible
Yes* = Compatible but please spray out tank mixtures in less than 6 hours.
No = Not Compatible


Best viewed on a mobile phone in landscape.

Yes = Compatible
Yes* = Compatible but please spray out tank mixtures in less than 6 hours.
No = Not Compatible


For more information

Utrisha N

Utrisha N

It's Time to Think Differently about Nitrogen. Introducing the Next Level of Nitrogen Efficiency. Increase your crop's nitrogen use efficiency and boost your yield potential with Utrisha® N nitrogen efficiency biostimulant. Utrisha N provides a unique way to enable plants to capture nitrogen throughout the season.

Product details
Utrisha N

Utrisha N Tech Manual

Utrisha® N has been scientifically evaluated and formulated to provide a natural source of crop available nitrogen without loss to the environment, which is a risk with traditional nitrogen fertilisers.

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How Utrisha N works

How Utrisha N works

Learn how Utrisha N pulls nitrogen from the air, so it’s available whenever your crop needs it.

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