Article •  14/5/2024

Free skin checks at beef industry’s biggest event

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Corteva Agriscience has supported the delivery of free skin checks at Australia’s biggest beef event resulting in many likely skin cancers, including melanomas, being detected and referred on for biopsies.

More than 100 people booked in to the free service at Beef2024 in Rockhampton conducted by Melanoma and Skin Cancer Advocacy Network (MSCAN) to raise awareness of skin cancer in regional Australia.

Tamara Dawson (left) and Melissa Carroll
Tamara Dawson (left) and Melissa Carroll

Tamara Dawson, who grew up on a beef cattle property in Victoria’s Gippsland, founded MSCAN after her own battle with skin cancer.

“I was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma a bit over nine years ago when I was in my mid-30s,” she said.

“Thankfully, it was just as some of the new treatment options were coming online and I am now cancer free. I started MSCAN because I want to reduce the burden of melanoma and skin cancer in Australia.”

“We know that people who work outdoors receive 10 times more UV exposure than indoor workers and have a much higher rate of being diagnosed with skin cancer. We want to have really important conversations with people about knowing their own skin, what to look out for, and the importance of the early detection of skin cancer.

“The first skin check day we did with Corteva Agriscience was in regional New South Wales and our dermatologist found a melanoma on a young woman and she was incredibly grateful that this thing was caught early and could be appropriately treated. I suspect there'll be even more that might come out from being at Beef2024 as well.”

Beef Week 2024
Beef Week 2024

Brisbane Dermatologist Dr Melissa Carroll delivered more than 100 skin checks during the week of Beef2024.

“I bring the patient into a private room and look literally from the top of their head to the bottom of their feet to see if there's any skin cancers or suspicious lesions,” Dr Carroll said.

“There is a lot of general sun damage and sunspots.

“There have also been numerous skin cancers detected. A number of these look likely to be melanoma.”

Dr Carroll said the discoveries were worrying.

“Some people have never had their skin checked before and everyone is very grateful that the service is being provided,” she said.

Adam Harber at Corteva Agriscience's Beef Week 2024 stand
Adam Harber at Corteva Agriscience's Beef Week 2024 stand