Trezac Arylex active efficacy trial

This Herbicide Matrix demonstration site was organized (hosted on 7th October 2020) by Elders and Nutrien Ag Solutions. Corteva was one of eight companies participating in the day to showcase new herbicide offerings coming to the market. Trezac Arylex active was the main focus from Corteva.

Key Outcomes:

  • Trezac at 200 mL/ha + Uptake (+/- Starane Advanced at 210 mL/ha + MCPA LVE) gave excellent control of chickpea and faba bean in a fallow scenario – the best post-emergent cereal herbicide for volunteer legume control seen at the field day.
  • The addition of MCPA LVE to Trezac was required for the control of volunteer canola.
  • When mixing Trezac with Axial there was no impact on broadleaf weed control. At this site the oats were treated at the first node stage, which is well outside of the Axial label treatment stage and as such the treatment gave poor grass control. Grass weeds should be no greater than first tiller stage when mixing Trezac with Axial Xtra. Other trial work has shown excellent compatibility of Trezac and Axial mixtures with no reduction in grass control compared to Axial alone.

Axial™ 100 EC herbicide is a trademark of Syngenta

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